عنونة فرعية لبرنامج مستقل عن اللغة ـ الإستدلال الخطىلكل ثانية - traduzione in Inglese
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عنونة فرعية لبرنامج مستقل عن اللغة ـ الإستدلال الخطىلكل ثانية - traduzione in Inglese

Tatweel; ـ; Taṭwīl; Keshideh; ߺ; Kasheeda; U+0640

  • 320x320px
  • barbel]]s
  • [[Breastfeeding]]
  • cleft lip]]
  • Lips of a young [[man]]
  • superior labial arteries]], the glands of the lips, and the nerves of the right side seen from the posterior surface after removal of the mucous membrane
  • Lips of a young woman wearing red [[lipstick]]
  • Cupid's bow feature of a human lip
  • Pierced lips]]
Lips; Lip (mouth); Upper lip; F. labii superioris; Lower lip; Lip diseases; Bottom lip; Labii superioris; Upperlip; Frenulum labii superioris; Labia oris; Tubercle of the upper lip; Procheilon; Lip carcinoma; Labium superius oris; Labium superius; Labium oris; Labium inferius oris; 🗢; Labial tubercle; Labial tubercles; Tuberculum labii superioris; Tubercles of the upper lips; Tubercles of upper lips; Tubercle of upper lip; Upper lips; Human lips; Human lip
عنونة فرعية لبرنامج مستقل عن اللغة ـ الإستدلال الخطىلكل ثانية
عنونة فرعية لبرنامج مستقل عن اللغة ـ الإستدلال الخطىلكل ثانية      


علم اللغة         
أهل اللغة; العلوم اللغوية; علم اللغة


¦ noun the Semitic language of the Arabs, written from right to left in a cursive script also used for other languages such as Persian and Urdu.
¦ adjective relating to the Arabs or Arabic.
Arabicization or Arabicisation noun
Arabicize or Arabicise verb



Kashida or Kasheeda (Persian: کشیده; "extended", "stretched", "lengthened") is a type of justification in the Arabic language and in some descendant cursive scripts. In contrast to white-space justification, which increases the length of a line of text by expanding spaces between words or individual letters, kasheeda creates justification by elongating characters at certain points. Kasheeda justification can be combined with white-space justification.

The analog in European (Latin-based) typography (expanding or contracting letters to improve spacing) is sometimes called expansion, and falls within microtypography. Kasheeda is considerably easier and more flexible, however, because Arabic-Persian scripts feature prominent horizontal strokes, whose lengths are accordingly flexible.

For example, al-ḥamdu and Raḥīm with and without kasheeda may look like the following:

Kasheeda can also refer to a character that represents this elongation (ـ) – also known as tatweel or taṭwīl (تطويل taṭwīl) – or to one of a set of glyphs of varying lengths that implement this elongation in a font. The Unicode standard assigns code point U+0640 as Arabic Tatweel.

The kasheeda can take a subtle downward curvature in some calligraphic styles and handwriting. However, the curvilinear stroke is not feasible for most basic fonts, which merely use a completely flat underscore-like stroke for kashida.

In addition to letter spacing and justification, calligraphers also use kasheeda for emphasis and as book or chapter titles. In modern Arabic mathematical notation, kasheeda appears in some operation symbols that must stretch to accommodate associated contents above or below.

Kasheeda generally only appears in one word per line, and one letter per word. Furthermore, experts recommend kasheeda only between certain combinations of letters (typically those that cannot form a ligature). Some calligraphers who were paid by the page used an inordinate number of kasheeda to stretch content over more pages.

The branding of the 2022 FIFA World Cup in Qatar applies kasheeda to Latin script, connecting the bottom of the "t" and the second "a" in the host country's name.